在线咨询Cyber attacks rose 14 per cent last year, as online criminals targeted intellectual property-rich industries such as pharmaceuticals, mining and electronics, according to a report by Cisco.思科(Cisco)一份报告称之为,网络攻击数量去年下降了14%,制药、矿业和电子工业等知识产权密集的行业沦为网络罪犯的目标。Vulnerabilities in computer systems and the threat from hackers reached the highest level since 2000, when the technology company launched its annual security report.这家技术公司公布年度安全性报告之际,计算机系统漏洞及黑客威胁超过2000年以来的最低水平。Cisco said there had been “unprecedented growth” in advanced attacks, with every large company it monitored becoming a target for malicious traffic.思科回应,技术含量较高的反击经常出现了“前所未有的快速增长”。
思科监测的每家大型公司都沦为蓄意流量反击的目标。John Stewart, senior vice-president and chief security officer, said the report painted a grim picture of the state of cyber security.思科副总裁兼首席安全性官约翰斯图尔特(John Stewart)说道,这份报告刻画了网络安全现状的一幅乐观图景。
But, he added, there was hope to restore trust by trying to understand hackers. “To truly protect against all of these possible attacks, defenders must understand the attackers, their motivations and their methods – before, during and after an attack.”但他补足道,通过企图理解黑客,未来将会完全恢复信心。“为了确实防卫所有这些有可能的反击,防御者必需理解攻击者,掌控他们的动机和手段——在反击开始前、展开中和完结后。
”Pharmaceuticals, chemicals, agriculture, mining and electronics all saw increases in the malware targeted at them of more than 600 per cent, while attempts to breach security in the energy, oil and gas industries rose more than 400 per cent.制药、化工、农业、矿业和电子工业受到的恶意软件反击皆减少逾600%。同时,针对能源和油气行业的反击减少400%以上。Attempts to hack retailers and wholesalers – in the public eye after Target lost data from more than 70m customers in an attack – rose more than 100 per cent. The attempts may not have led to breaches, depending on the protections in place.针对零售商和批发商的反击减少逾100%。
Cyber criminals are increasingly looking for intellectual property they can either sell on the black market or use to inform decisions about competing products or plans.网络罪犯对找寻知识产权更加感兴趣,这些机密要么可在黑市上出售,要么可用于竞争产品或计划的决策依据。Levi Gundert, a threat researcher who worked on the Cisco report, said the attacks could be “criminals” or “nation states”.参予编写报告的威胁研究员莱维贡德特(Levi Gundert)说道,实行反击的有可能是“罪犯”,也有可能是“国家”。
“You almost need to have the Economist or the FT in hand while looking at some of these numbers – they vertically correspond to geopolitical events,” he said.他说道:“你在看报告中的一些数字时,手里完全必须一份《经济学人》或英国《金融时报》,因为这些数字必要对应着某些地缘政治事件。